Reading Circles


Last term we studied some stories in Reading Circles. Each group chose a text to read and met every week or so to talk about their book. We found interesting vocab and made up open-ended questions to ask the other members of the group. Nearly everyone enjoyed doing this.

At the end of the book we all had to make a Story Quilt in our group.

Each person had a square of paper and had to draw a border around it. Inside the border we had to draw three objects that related to our text. Everyone in the group had to use the same 3 objects in the same 3 colours, but we could each design our border however we wanted.

In the middle of the quilt square we had to draw a character from the story. We had to find a quote in the story that we thought summed up our character, and add it to our drawing.

We then stuck our quilt square onto black paper and they are now on the wall in our classroom.

Here are our Story Quilts:

5 thoughts on “Reading Circles

  1. Primary 5LW

    This is a great idea!

    What books did you read? Any that you would recommend to us? We are 8 and 9 years old so nothing too hard but not too easy either!


  2. @Mr O: Thanks – it is simple and we enjoyed making them too 🙂

    @5LW: The 27th Annual African Hippopotamus Race was quite popular with younger readers 😉

    @p6Loirston: can’t wait to see what your quilts turn out like!

  3. Because we read 5 different books the quilts are really little. If the whole class reads the same story, then the quilt squares will join together to make a really big quilt – v effective 🙂

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