Our Harmony Day Wall


Harmony means being in agreement in feelings or opinions, and a pleasing combination to make a whole. We have been discussing “Harmony” and what it means to live in harmony as a school and as a community.

 It was pretty awful to think about what it looks like when there is no harmony – things are not easy, they are uncomfortable or dangerous. People are unhappy, discriminated against, hurt, neglected and ostracised.

 We all agreed that we want to live in harmony with each other – that life is better, safer, more secure, more prosperous, fairer, calmer and friendlier. We think that living safely and happily is worth working hard to make it happen.

 Our school celebrated Harmony Day by making displays of artworks in the Hall. Here is our “Harmony Wall” – of harmonious words, thoughts and attitudes. We wrote them in the many different languages represented in our classroom.

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