

We “Drop Everything and Read” (DEAR) every morning – first thing. We come in to the room, take out our reading books and READ :-).

At first some of us found this hard to do, but now everyone is able to read quietly and consistently for about 15 minutes each day.

This term we are trying something new!


Every day a group of people will be reading our class blog and other blogs during DEAR time. This will give everybody the opportunity and time to see and read what is happening in our class, our school, and our blogging friends classrooms across the world. It will also be a great chance to get some commenting in to 🙂

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What do you think? Is reading blogs a good way to “drop everything and read”?



  1. Hi guys,
    It’s me,Irene.I think that the DEAR time is fun even more now because of how we can read the blogs for DEAR time.
    IRENE 🙂

  2. Hello, 🙂

    I think that silent reading on blogs is a great idea and gives everyone an opportunity to see what is going on everywhere! 😎

    Mahrukh 🙂

  3. michie

    Hey people – I’m just checking out the class blog and other peoples blogs. Hope to see interesting things – bye for now but not forever. 🙂

  4. Anna45

    Hi I am from rm 9 and I like the way you are doing DEAR it sounds like fun and a good way to read lots of books.I might even try doing that at home when I have no homework.I also like that you are reading blogs as well.

  5. Hi this is Care. It’s nice to see your website on one of your stars. I really enjoy this post the most because it has reading. Reading in our six grade class it’s much more challenging then 15 mins. but that’s still a lot of reading. Is it hard to teach 5 and 6 at the same time?

  6. Hello Care- thanks for coming by and visiting our blog 🙂
    We do read for more than 15 minutes each day though! It’s just that we start the day with DEAR, we have reading groups every day for 45 minutes just before lunch – so you can see that we do lots of reading here too.
    Teaching Years 5 and 6 together is pretty much the same as teaching any group of 28 students, we have out individual targets, our group goals, and our curriculum is over 2 years anyway – so it’s all good 🙂

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