We Love the Cat in the Hat!


Stage 1 have been learning about important parts of books, and have come across some authors that they just LOVE.

Dr Seuss is probably their favourite author at the moment, so we celebrated Dr Seuss’ birthday by making some of our own “Cat in the Hats” from a paper plate!

As you can see, they look great and are displayed in the Library near our collection of Dr Seuss books 🙂 .

What do you think of our displays?



The Lorax – Our Play


Last Friday we had to lead the school assembly and present a performance item as well.

Some people volunteered to conduct the assembly and others wanted to perform, whilst the rest preferred to work “backstage” and help organise and move chairs and props around.  

So everyone had a job to do! We all worked together to ensure that the assembly and the performance ran smoothly. We felt proud of ourselves because each of us took responsibility for what we had to do, and we all fulfilled our roles to the best of our abilities. Well done us 😀

Here are some photos of us on the stage and later in our classroom. Stay tuned for the video – it is coming (I promise – just editing it – MrsP)