Federation Convention


federation Convention

All of the Stage 3 students (and the Stage 2 students in Jade!) took part in a mock Federation Convention in the Library today. As delegates we had to make sure that we represented the interests and views of the people who had sent us. We had the very important job of deciding on the location of the new federal parliament – two groups decided to situate the new parliament in a separate territory in NSW called Canberra, while the other group were still deciding where to locate.

Everyone is wearing either a moustache or hat to show that women were not included in this process, and we are all looking serious as we have a huge responsibility to the people of Australia.

There were lots of “OBJECTION!!!!”s and fist thumping – although this was probably because it was fun! Some of the delegates were very serious and made some wonderful contributions to developing the constitution of our new nation!

Great work Stage 3 (and Stage 2 in Jade :-))

What did YOU think of our convention? What the best parts for you? Leave a comment below!