The Premier’s Reading Challenge


After a late start and some technical issues, we are finally registered for the 2012 Premier’s Reading Challenge. This is not a competition but the chance for your child to challenge themselves to read a number of exciting and interesting books.

Students choose a minimum number of books to read from the appropriate PRC list and five of their own personal choice books, which are recorded as read on the Child’s Personal Reading Log.

To experience a book, a child can listen to the book, participate in shared reading or read part or all of the book independently.

Students in each grade have to meet the following reading goals:


Number of books needed to complete the Challenge

Minimum number of PRC books for your Challenge

Maximum number of personal choice books

PRC booklist selection





K-2 , 3-4 , 5-6 , 7-9




3-4 , 5-6 , 7-9




5-6 , 7-9


I would encourage all students to participate in this wonderful learning experience, as we will be working as a team to achieve their reading goals!

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me in the Library.

Thanks – MrsP

“I Won’t Say Please!”


Kindergarten have been learning about our school values of RESPECT, TOLERANCE, HONESTY and INTEGRITY.

We read the book “I Won’t Say Please!” by Mij Kelly to explore the concept of respect further. The Kinder Kids were shocked at how rude Queen Bee was as she ordered everyone around. She wanted everything her way and right now!

By the middle of the story Queen Bee was really angry, had had no breakfast,  had no friends and had locked herself in the dungeon and thrown away the key! Luckily for Queen Bee  a little friend was there to help her, and having learned her lesson Queen Bee began using her manners and showing respect to the people around her.

We made some bees ourselves too – but our bees have great manners and try to use them all the time!

Kinder RESPECT on PhotoPeach