World Maths Day


We tested our brains,

asked questions,

solved problems,

explained answers,

tried new ways of doing things and

gave reasons!

All on World Math Day (which was a couple of weeks ago!)

We worked on computers,

used the iwb,

played games,

used rulers  to design and draw,

made models,

and wrote clues to a treasure.

Whew! Maths is everywhere, everything and lots more than just worksheets and correct answers.

We think Maths is fun too 🙂

Small Words Count



This term our school has been involved in a project called “Small Words Count” as part of National Literacy and Numeracy Week celebrations.

We have been looking at word problems, how they are written, what they are asking us to do, and how we should read and interpret what we have to do.

Each class had to demonstrate what they had been learning about in this project.

We constructed some designs and made up word problems using percentages or fractions.

This is what we came up with:

Fabulous Fractions!


Some students have been investigating fractions in Maths recently. They have been using a website to direct their investigations and have been using coloured blocks to represent different fractions.


The students seem to enjoy using the blocks and have had to think hard to find the correct answers. Working with a friend is very popular because we know that “two heads are better than one!”


If you have a look at the photos you will see that the kids look like they are enjoying their Maths!


Car Rally?


No – not really 🙂


We had fun this morning playing a grid game to finish off our work on mapping/grids/scale drawings.

First we had to rule up a grid on the page where 1cm: 1 km(or you could use grid paper!)

Add seven checkpoints and start and finish squares. Label these A-G

Players must travel to each checkpoint in order, driving only on the grid lines.

Now get a die and some highlighters ( a different colour for each player 🙂 )to begin playing.


1. Roll the die and move that many kilometres towards the first checkpoint. A number 5 = 5cm (5km)

2. Player 2 then rolls the die. Continue until both players reach the finish

3. Players count how many kilometres they travelled from start to finish

dsc04618.JPG      dsc04621.JPG     dsc04617.JPG  

Scores: First to finish: 10 points

               Player who travelled the shortest distance: 10 points

Have a play and let us know what you think 🙂


Even Sandy does the BST!


Today was the second day of the BST (Basic Skills Test). Everyone had to do reading, language and maths.

Sandy, our otter from Sandaig Primary School in Glasgow, had a go at doing the test as well   🙂

She was happy with her efforts, tried as hard as she could, enjoyed the experience but is glad that it is over for another year.

Here are some photos we took of our clever otter friend  😆

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Working Together


Today we had a problem to solve in Maths – Capacity & Volume.
We had to make a 3D regular shape of 25 cubic cm using centicube blocks.

When we tried it individually, we couldn’t work it out. We tried and tried.
When we worked together in a group, we shared our ideas and came up with a solution!

Here’s what we came up with – one of the shapes is irregular and two are regular. Can you see which is which?


                       By Martin, Ramiz and Timothy