Ask Me!


The conference in Washington was HUGEl! There were over 18 000 people there!

I came across this sign many times while walking around the conference centre, and I thought that it was a great idea.

How could we use a sign like this in our classroom?

Let’s see how many ideas we can come up with ……

Here’s one to get you going:

1. If we are doing a lesson in Maths and I’m good at this topic I could put an “ASK ME” sign on my desk

PS: Prizes are on offer  😉

4 thoughts on “Ask Me!

  1. Hey Allstars,

    I think we should use the ASK ME sign for hard questions and difficult problems. If you are really good at a topic like maths or english, you have the ASK ME sign on your desk. Some people who are having problems with Maths or English can come up to you and get help from you.

    Bye Allstars p:

  2. hi allstars
    I got an idea, we should make a ASK ME sticker and stick it back on your chair or your shirt. if you have any problems
    for example: maths, science, english ect. you just go up to them and they will help you.

    bye 🙂

  3. Hi, Allstars
    I was thinking we could stick the ask me signs on a person who is particularly good at something. That will be the person to ask.
    I was also thinking for homework r work we could put ask me stickers if you are allowed to ask somebody. If it was an assessment there will be no ask me sign on it. It might also be good to put who to ask. Such as if someone in particular was good at poems there would be that person’s name on it, or if it was about algebra and you could find about on a website then there’ll be the address of the website.

  4. What an interesting idea! Wouldn’t it be great if every person had their own ‘Ask Me About…’ sign, and they could fill in the topic or subject they thought they would be the most help with. After all, everybody has something they are talented with!

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