2013 – up and running!


Welcome back AllStars -ready for a big year in the Library?

I can’t wait, my “LEARNER” plates are off and I am bursting with ideas to share with you all!

To start us off – did you know that reading gives you super powers?

Dav Pilkey (The author who writes Captain Underpants stories) tell us how …….

Hhhhmmmm ….. just what sort of super power do you think reading gives YOU?

Fantasy Worlds


All of the classes in our school this year have been named after Fantasy Worlds, and Term 4 saw everyone investigating and exploring various fantasy worlds they had read about, played in or imagined themselves.

Some classes made games, some made dioramas, posters, books, and puppet shows. Other classes made fun aspects from their worlds – such as papier mache models and paper craft designs.

All in all a very creative term and learning experiences.

Just lately a number of classes have spent some time imagining a fantasy world that could be designed using paper.

Paper doors, gates vegetation or props opened to reveal a huge variety of worlds – some based on stories or games or movies, and some purely from imagination.

Take a look at some of the work as we made it.

Toys, Toys, Toys!


Kindergarten and Stage 1 students have been exploring scientific concepts related to toys this term.

We have

  •  sorted toys
  • grouped toys
  • classified toys
  • found out how different toys move
  • read stories about toys
  • labelled diagrams of toys and
  • made toys from paper and other materials.

Now, to finish off we are making a toy out of recycled materials!

First we drew a plan.



Then we found the materials we would need.

Next we started putting it altogether.

After that we will paint it and add features.

Finally we will speak about our toy.



Kindergarten and Dinosaurs


We have been reading stories about dinosaur toys in the Library. Kindergarten love Harry and his bucket of toy dinosaurs that come to life.

Today we heard a story about a “Grannysaurus” and we thought it would be fun to draw a “Me-asaurus” and turn ourselves into dinosaurs too 🙂

We looked in the non-fiction section part of the library to find where the information books about dinosaurs were kept. Then we had a look at all of the cool features that different dinosaurs had. We liked the spikes, the horns, the tails, and the claws.

Next we decided what parts of dinosaurs WE would like to have and drew ourselves as dinosaurs!

Here are our drawings:
Me-asaurus on PhotoPeach


International Dot Day


We all went dotty in the Library – for International Dot Day.

First we read the book “The Dot” by Peter Reynolds and we talked about making our mark and being the best we can be.

Then we made some wonderful dots of our own =)

Science Extravaganza!!!


What a fun, interesting and exhausting day we had on Friday!


We had our very first SCIENCE EXTRAVAGANZA Day, where we all worked in our Gemstone Learning Teams on different science activities.

There were:

  1. Exploding dinosaurs – chemistry
  2. String telephones – sound
  3. Forensic Science – whodunnit?
  4. Magnets
  5. Musical instruments – sound
  6. Solids, Liquids and Gases!

It was wonderful to see the Learning Teams behaving so well – it was especially lovely to see how the older students looked after the younger ones so carefully and with such concern.

Just in case we have any budding Albert  Einsteins or Marie Curies at BSPS don’t forget that we have lots of exciting science books for you to borrow from the Library.

You can find the science section in the 500s in the non-fiction part of the Library.


There are books here on science activities to try at home, or books on specific topics so you can find out more about chemistry or magnets or sound .

If you like your science “horrible” we have lots of Horrible Science books to choose from or you might like to visit the website too.


The Science Kids have lots of fun experiments for you to do yourself so pop over to this website at home.



Attention All PRC Readers


Hello Readers!

It is now time to count up the books you have read so far this year and add them to the Premier’s Reading Challenge list.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Click on the link below – it will take you to the PRC website
  2. You should be on the “Login Page”.
  3. Add your DET Username and Password. These are the words and numbers you use at school to log in to the internet.
  4. If you don’t know your Username and Password then ask MrsP at school tomorrow 🙂
  5. On this next page click on the words: “Student Reading Records” – its at the very top of the menu bar on the left side of the screen.
  6. Now you just add the books you have read this year.
  7. You can add the books by typing in the PRC code, or the name of the book, or the author.
  8. When you have finished click “log off” on the left side of the screen

If you have any problems or difficulties just ask MrsP at school.

Have fun 🙂

Premier’s Reading Challenge Website

Poetry Project Games


Stage 3 students have started learning about figurative language as this type of language is often used in poetry.

First they had some words to work out – they had to find definitions and examples. Then MrsP gave them “cheat sheets” to check their answers and we all discussed the names and examples together.

Next the students wrote out their words, definitions and examples onto cards to make a memory or “Go Fish” game.

Here are some of the people from 3 Discworld making and playing their games.

Poetry Project


glitter logo - http://www.sparklee.com

Well Stage 3 people, it’s time to get moving on your “Poetry Project”.

To help you along, with videos, suggestions, links etc I have set up an Edmodo account that I would like you to join.

Edmodo is a safe, online learning space – you will have to get the joining code from me – and then you can join up and have access to lots of resources and help as you need it.

Click on this Edmodo image for the link to the Edmodo sign in page ……