Tashi Fans Watch This!


We have lots of Tashi fans here at BSPS – many of whom are enjoying our new Tashi books 🙂

You can find the Tashi books in the “Fast Fiction” baskets in the middle of the Library.

We now have ALL of the Tashi books – so if you have been waiting to read more about Tashi and his adventures, come in to the Library and have a browse.

Here is a YouTube video I found of Kim Gamble  (the illustrator of the Tashi books) demonstrating how he draws a  scene from the Tashi book – “Tashi and the Golem”.


I love all of the fantastic hints and tips he gives us on how to draw.

You will enjoy this, please watch and leave a comment on what you think 🙂


Would you like to play some games with Tashi? Click on the Tashi image below to head over to the Tashi website!
