7 thoughts on “Harry Potter Portraits

  1. Gosh Yes! The Deathly Hallows is fantastic – but a bit complicated for those who haven’t read the books. Some of us are great Harry Potter fans 🙂

  2. Wow! What vivid colors and details. I can see that each of you have really enjoyed the Harry Potter books. Now here is a new challenge for each of draw your favorite none human creature and a short paragraph describing it in detail.

    Happy Writing,

    Steve Tabbah

  3. We love your Harry Potter pictures, they look great. Our favourite character is Harry Potter because he’s the star of the show! We don’t like You-know-who because he’s a bit scary!

    P3 & Mrs C

  4. Hello MrsC and P# thanks for visiting us.
    We are all great Harry Potter fans in our class.
    We had a bit of a Harry Potter movie marathon on our last day of school – we watched Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone and part of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban too 🙂
    Harry is very brave and clever and can think clearly even in really scary and difficult circumstances – we guess that’s why he’s the hero!

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