New Iron Men Invade the AllStars Room


Some of us are reading the novel “The Iron Man” by Ted Hughes in reading group time. Today we innovated on a paragraph in the text. We had to describe a different sort of robot than the Iron Man in the novel.


Here is what we wrote:

“Then, as Hogarth watched, a mean bossy figure climbed up over the cliff-top. The two lights shone into the sky. They were the hated figure’s eyes. A feared, dangerous figure, higher than a house, enormous and scary in the twilight, with bulging headlamp eyes. 

The devious Iron Man is back!”

By Elisa


“Then, as Hogarth watched, a happy, colourful figure skipped up over the cliff-top. The two lights shone into the sky. They were the happy, colourful figure’s eyes. A small rainbow figure, smaller than a dog, colourful and shrinking in the twilight, with colourful headlamp eyes.

The happy, colourful Tiny Man was back!”

By Gogouli


“Then, as Hogarth watched, a dirty, fat figure slowly walked up over the cliff-top. The two lights shone into the sky. They were the fat figures eyes. The fat smelly figurewas smaller than a house, pink and shrinking in the twilight with tiny headlamp eyes.

The fatty was back!”

By William


“Then, as Hogarth watched, a happy helpful figure scuttled up over the cliff-top. The two lights shone into the sky. They were the courageous figure’s eyes. A giant colourful figure, smaller than a house, shiny and small in the twilight with awkward headlamp eyes.

The colourful Iron Man is back!”

By Irene


“Then, as Hogarth watched, a menacing, devious figure flew up over the cliff-top. The two lights glowed into the sky. They were the devil’s eyes. A massively huge figure, 13 times taller than an office block, a dirty red colour and getting bigger as he got closer, with red headlamp eyes.

The feared figure was back!”

By Sioeli


“Then, as Hogarth watched, a harmless, bright figure danced up over the cliff-top. The two lights glowing in the sky. They were the harmless figure’s eyes. A bright figure, smaller than a house, shining and glowing in the twilight, with colourful headlamp eyes.

The Robot man was back!”

By Mahrukh


We tried to make our writing put pictures in your head – did we succeed? Let us know what you think.

Image: ‘Iron Man movie‘

10 thoughts on “New Iron Men Invade the AllStars Room

  1. Hi guys it’s me, I just read all the different types of robotic super heroes and villians you wrote about. They all sound really good and I think that it was pretty cool.

    You did an awesome job!

    Justin 🙂

  2. Thank you for your comment Justin. It looks like you are our official comment King! Keep on being so positive and helpful – we appreciate your hard work. Thanks

  3. Hi guys
    I really liked all the discriptions of the iron man it was really cool.Fantastic job all of you.Wating on some more fantastic stories. 🙂

  4. Hi guys!

    Me yet again! I saw your enticing examples and thought they were stupendous, extraordinary, exhilirating and awesome!
    (Have i been using too many exclamation marks?) 🙂

    have an amazing day ok?

  5. gogouli

    Hi Mrs Pericles I love the picture of the Iron Man . Do you know that I have a sketch of the real Iron Man? See you at school and keep blogging.

  6. Thanks Gogouli – what do you mean the “real” Iron Man? Don’t tell me that there is a huge iron giant wandering around Belmore!!!!! How scary :-O

  7. That’s OK Gogouli I fixed them up for you! You have a sketch of the original Iron Man? Did you do it yourself or was it done by someone you know?

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