Reading Circles


We have been reading some interesting books in “Reading Circles” this term. Mrs P brought in a selection of books and we put our names on the books we would like to read first.

 Here are the books we could choose from:




Each group meets every one or two weeks and decides how many pages or chapters they will read before the next Reading Circle Meeting.

 While the group is reading their book, they keep an eye out for interesting or tricky or difficult or unknown words. These words are written down and their meanings are found.

 When we have finished reading the chapters we write a brief summary, and make up 2 or 3 open-ended questions to discuss at the Reading Circle Meeting.


Here are some interesting questions we discussed today:

 The “Dealing With Dragons” group discussed the question –


“What personality do you think dragons have?”


This is what they thought

  •  They are selfish because they only think of themselves
  •  Bossy – telling people what to do.


What do you think?


The “Boy Overboard” group discussed –

“Why is a new type of landmine not a good invention?”

 This is what they thought:

  •  ALL landmines are dangerous – new ones are not better
  •  A new land mine will kill more people

What do you think?


Summer Holidays


We made it!

After the frantic rush of end of the year we are finally on school holidays 🙂

Congratulations to everyone for your hard work, commitment to your learning, your sense of humour and for tolerating my (out of tune, but very enthusiastic) singing (and dancing) over the year!

For those AllStars who are moving on to High School at the end of January, thank you for the past two years. I know that you will all continue to grow and learn about yourself and your world, all of the rest of the AllStars will miss you sooooo much so please keep in contact and share your High School experiences with us back here on the AllStars blog.

Years 4 and 5, you will be moving up into Years 5 & 6 – some of you are school leaders already, we are all proud of the way you were ready to take up the challenging role of a school leader. Congratulations to everyone of you, we know that you will do a great job next year.

Here are some of my memories of the past year:

rubber gloves, crazy hair, funny hats, the Harbour Bridge birthday, ANZAC letters, dodgeball, chickens in the War, flags, garbage bags, PS2, buddies, Sandy, choose your own maths, Australia wiki, blogging, orange oranges, storyteller, jumping ropes, PWii, tennis, Samorost, Xcountry, eyes, science, vinegar on the ceiling, commenting, sculptures, junk, drawing, Ned Kelly, “Are We There Yet?” , debates, forensics, microscopes, experiments, cricket, visitors, games, BST, camp, water fights, Macbeth, history, MissionMaker, leadership, parties, pizza!, spiders, music, laughs, boogie, Gay Gordons, laptops, Voki, presentations, tunnel …..

Have I left anything out?

AllStars, enjoy the break, think about what/ how/ why you want to learn next year. Keep in contact through our blog – I’ll be posting over the holidays ( our videos of the Gay Gordons, Heel Toe Polka, Yr 6 Farewell etc) so keep looking in when you get the chance.

Have a great holiday,

Love MrsP



What do you think? HISTORY


The AllStars have been studying history this year and are pondering the saying

“History never repeats”

Read this article about Stonehenge and then leave a comment about what you think!


stonehenge.jpg      stonehenge-2.jpg


What were you thinking about as you read this article?

What surprised you about this article? Why were you surprised?

What sorts of images or feelings did the article stimulate?

Why do you think scientists are so interested in finding out how people lived in times past?

Does the information that the scientists gather have any impact on our lives today? 

Do you think that a shared knowledge & understanding of times past can / does help us understand problems and issues of today?
