A Zoom and a Blast Day


Balloon 2Balloon

Our whole class had a zoom and a blast day!

 Scientists 3     Scientists 4

We did some experiments and discovered how to make a rocket. We got a cannister and filled it with vinegar.Then we filled the lid of the cannister with bicarb soda.   

Scientists       Scientists 2

After that we  immediately placed the lid back onto the cannister and turned the whole thing upside down. When the soda and the vinegar mixed together, it made a chemical reaction and started fizzing and then… then…


This is because a gas called carbon dioxide was made. The pressure of the gas made the cannister pop away from the lid. And that is how to make a rocket blast off.

Tune in for more!

 What a mess!  Some people got splattered with the vinegar and bicarb soda. Yuck! 😛


This post is about another experiment our class did.

It was about blowing up a balloon to it’s limit.

We had to fill up a bottle with vinegar and then we placed some bicarb soda in a balloon.

 Next we placed the balloon on top of the bottle and watched what was about to happen.

We hypothesized that the mixing of the vinegar and the bicarb soda would cause a chemical reaction to happen. This chemical reaction would make Carbon dioxide which is a gas.

The gas would build up inside the bottle, go into the balloon and blow up the balloon!

Balloon  Balloon 2   Balloon 3  Balloon 4

Our hypothesis was correct! 🙂 The balloon actually blew up to it’s limit!

Wow! It was a scientific procedural  success!!

By Nadine

12 thoughts on “A Zoom and a Blast Day

  1. Miss Pericles!
    Guess what! I talked to Nancy and she misses you all!
    She says that she’s happy at China. But would love to come back.
    She really wanted to comment on our blog but couldn’t because it wasn’t working. She really misses everyone and says a huge hello!

  2. Miss Pericles this is an emergency!
    The top picture on my blog is all bue and i can’t fix it! It wasn’t like that! Please visit my blog and have a look.
    Try to fix it please!
    Bye(Please help me!)

  3. Nadine – deep breaths!!!!
    I’ll have a look now 😉

    OK Nadine – the presentation has just gone back to the default theme. Can you remember which theme you had? If you can, I will change it back for you – otherwise we can wait till we get back to school and you can change it then.
    Let me know the name of the theme or else describe it a bit and I’ll change it for you 😉

  4. John – yep it was definitely exciting! A couple of groups thought that their experiment wasn’t working. We poked it, and waited, poked it again and waited some more – then ……. pop! Up went the canister. We just have to work out how to get the vinegar off the ceiling (its about 6 -7 metres high!)


  5. Hey Mrs P,
    You know how Nadine said her blog went to a different presentation, well mine did too!!! I remember that the presentation was Glossy Blue. I hope your enjoying your holidays!!!

  6. Chris Harrison

    Hi AllStars
    I loved reading about your experiments.
    Nancy, great to hear from you.
    Hope you’re all enjoying your holidays.
    Mrs Harrison.

  7. Well Mrs Pericles,
    The theme looked like a dark black with a twisty little pink firework on it. It had a black background and a twister-shaped pink-coloured firework on it.
    Thanks for your help! It’s a pleasure!
    A question, for the project, why is there 2 words that say ‘explanation’. What does the second mean actually?
    Bye and thanks heaps!
    Hello Nadine – its taken a while but is your site correct now? have I replaced the theme you had before? If not we can fix when we get back to school – OK?

  8. Michael.Halliwell

    Hi All Stars,
    Your experiments sound really interesting. Hope you’re all having a great holiday.
    Michael Halliwell

  9. Ms Knight

    Hi there All Stars!

    Love your blog! 3K did the CO2 experiment with the ballon on the bottle also- there was lots of screaming in our room. Did you hear us? Did you have a look at the fire extinguisher one in the CO2 experiments- it looks like fun also.

    We may be coming to you for help on blogging soon-Be Ready!

    Hope ya’ll had a great holiday,

    Ms Knight and 3K

  10. mikayla (wilmik)

    Hi 07 allstars, it me, Mikayla! You Recentlley looked on my blog. My name is the same as yours! You must have been doing your blog for a long time because there is so much ctuff on it, am i right? What is your blog really based about? Anyway, this is a grat blog!
    Bye, Mikayla
    Ps. I have a survay up on my blog so came and take a look at it wilmik@bellaireps.vic.edu.au.

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