
We have been studying the Ocean for a lot of this term and everyone has chosen something interesting to find out about. We all had to “Create Something Extraordinary” about the ocean.

Some people are videoing, some are doing puppet plays, some are making Toondoos and lots are making Vokis to share their information.

Here is the first of our finished presentations. Enjoy!

This is Moustapha’s Shark 🙂

Get a Voki now!

Leading the Way


Is this connected learning or what?

Students from across the world set the pace!

Nadine from the AllStars and Stephie from Argentina have been commenting on each other’s blog for a while now, and have become friends with a shared concern.

With the help of Stephie’s teacher, they have set up a wiki called “Stop Whaling Now”. The girls have decided to mount a campaign to stop whaling. Have a look at their wiki and leave a comment, or join their fight.


Attribution:  Image: ‘Humpback Whales in Prince William Sound

Thinking Our Way ….



Today we used a different Visible Thinking routine to kick start our individual Study Projects.

Our overall topic is the Ocean, but everyone is interested in different subjects and areas within this big topic.

The thinking routine we used was called:




First we had to think of facts we knew (or thought we knew) about oceans.

Then we had to come up with something that puzzled us  or something we wondered about oceans.

Lastly we identified some areas of interest that we might explore as a class.

We used lots of post-it notes (MrsP should NOT buy cheapo ones from the $2 Shop 🙂 – cos they don’t stick) but came up with lots of great ideas that we can follow through with in class, or in our individual Study Project.


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Happy New Year Again!


 Kung Hei Fat Choy


Many lucky AllStars had the opportunity to celebrate another New Year last week. It was the Lunar (or Chinese) New Year and lots of special celebrations took place to welcome in the Year of the Rat. Parades with Dragons and fireworks, yummy food and even red envelopes with money inside!

In our class, some people dressed up, some received money from relatives, some visited temples,  and others had parties. Even Sandy dressed up in a Chinese outfit and joined in the fun 🙂

 Here are some photos of us enjoying the celebrations!

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